
By yvonne_courtine


This is not the photo I had hoped to be posting, and I make no apologies for the fact that it was not taken today.  The reason is that after heading back to the car with Flora in the carry box after a visit to the vet in Aberaeron for her annual vaccinations, somehow the door of the box came open and Flora jumped out and disappeared under a car.  Several very kind ladies helped look for her but she must have slipped out from under the car and got into the park hedge opposite.  We spent a long time looking without catching even a glimpse or her, or hearing her.  At the end, we had no choice but to return home, after notifying the vet who was going to put a notice in her window.  Quel horreur!  We will return tomorrow and see what the situation is.  It will be a pretty sleepless night tonight. :((

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