veridical paradox

By TrustYourself

puppy love

Today I drove with my parents to Connecticut to pick up this little cute. Her name is Riley, she's 11 weeks old and was rescued from a kill shelter somewhere in Indiana. Her mama is a purebred Bernese Mountain Dog but they're not sure what papa is (although the organization seems to think he's either a golden lab or a lab retriever).
She's absolutely perfect and adorable and ahdidndisjdosns
She is a mess though and she's had about 7 accidents today and she cries when she's in her crate but her personality is so lovable that it doesn't matter
The cats aren't too fond of her just yet though, but that will hopefully change with time~
Work sucked tonight because we were understaffed and had lots of bitchy customers (who were bitches before ordering as just got worse as the night dragged on)

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