Sleepy Cherryblossom

By CherryBee


I've finally finished proof-reading Goblin for MsInk! It's taken me far longer than it should have because I'm all fuzzy-brained and my concentration is truly terrible, but I've loved doing it - mostly cos it's so damn good! I may have gotten a wee bit carried away with all my comments and questions and feedback - I was originally just supposed to be checking for grammar and typos! - but I really enjoyed it and also felt like I was actually engaging my brain again for the first time in a long while!

I met up with the very talented MsInk today to hand this final part back to her. We had coffee at the Cameo and it was lovely to catch up - although we did pretty much just gush about how amazing The Good Wife is for an hour! Then I came home and watched lots more. Well actually I came home, fell into bed, slept for 3 hours and then watched lots more! I'm most of the way through season 5 and I'm really going to miss it when it's gone!

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