Amanda's photos

By AmandaProsser

York's millennium bridge, rush hour

This is one of those one-sided suspension bridges, erected with millennium money, which crosses the Ouse half a mile or so south of the city centre road bridges, and usable only by those on foot or on bikes.

I spent an hour or so taking photos of the bridge from various angles.  It makes a good subject for night photography because it's lit by a series of LED lights which change colour every few seconds, now red, now blue, now green, now purple.  The harp-like suspension cables are all lit up too: it's a work of art.

On sunny summer days the steelwork warms up nicely - you can sit comfortably on the main spine of the bridge deck, which stands up to one side of it - and it's a spot for sunbathing and socialising as well as a way to cross the river.

On the way back, I had to cross both Skeldergate Bridge and Lendal Bridge.  What a contrast to the peaceful Millennium Bridge!  Both were clogged with stationary traffic, making the air hard to breathe and conversation impossible - not that anyone wanted to talk, as they were either isolated in the cars or hurrying by on foot.  On the millennium bridge, even with the temperature below freezing, it was silent except for the thrumming of bike tyres and the occasional rattly bike - and people were stopping to chat on their way home.

You can't see any people in the photo - it was a long exposure - but you can see the trails left by their bike lights.  The one that looks like it might be an aeroplane was a small light on one of the cylists' helmets.

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