
By CanonEyes

Forty seconds of Sunshine.

That's all I got this morning before it turned completely grey. Any photos taken after this would have been in mono by default.
This is the Wellington Monument, known to Dubliners simply as The Monument. It is one of the highest structures of its kind and would have been even higher only they ran out of money. It can be seen from far and wide.
When we were children it was a favourite place. I used to demand to go to the Ornament, which tickled my Ma's sense of humour.
Well, after three days of freezing my butt off and over a thousand photos to sort out I think I'll call it a day. Plus, tonight is gigging night and I'll be in no humour to get up early tomorrow.
I will return to the Park when it is a bit warmer and show you some of the other areas.

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