
By maddischeib

The week started off on a terrible note. Monday, everyone’s favorite day of the week, was actually not the worst part of my week so far. Every day it has gradually gotten worse. I’m not going to sit here and complain about it though.

You’re probably wandering why I am saying that on a picture of Logan. Well, that is because she has played a big part in helping me cope with each bad thing that happens every day. She is the number one person I turn to because I know I can trust her with the biggest secrets. I know she’ll never speak a word about any of the secrets I told her unless it is just us. There were more people that have helped me throughout the week as well, but I don’t have any pictures of them. In a way, I guess this could be considered a “friend appreciation post”.

The past week/weekend has shown me that some people genuinely care about me. It also showed me who is just along for the ride, watching drama as it unfolds. They sit there silent, only saying a word or two to instigate more problems.

I am so glad I have Logan, and all the other wonderful people that have helped me though these tough times.

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