
By bananablip

wednesday wonders

(terrible photo. and stolen). 

i am ill and i am exhausted and my working day went from 7am till 5.30pm on the back of coughing through the night. i am prone moaning at the best of times. however, today, beyond the fuzzy haze of not being well, has been one of those days when i just feel so incredibly privileged that i get to to the job that i do.

my first appointment, at 7am, was a prayer breakfast attended by church leaders from across shrewsbury. such an incredible time of worship, honesty and a togetherness in lifting the needs of our town to God. quite beautiful.

then on to a midlands-wide gathering of youth workers which is led by a brilliant guy from bridgnorth who lives for getting like-minded people together. we led worship. which for a bunch of incompetents like us, should have been terrible, but under the leadership of the wonder-man that is andy lowe, people seemed to really enjoy and respond to. then a time of sharing and dreaming and praying and eating.

then i went to  meet with a completely eccentric and wonderful man to help me process and pray through some things that i've got brewing for a new project. felt a real sense of God's confirmation as we shared and prayed. i just love it when you share a heart and vision so fully with someone that it just makes you weep as you pray.

so yeah, what should have been a terrible day has been full of absolute gold.

(totally forgot to add that on the way to my third meeting i bumped into not one, but two, of chickensparrow's parents. and i got a kiss off one of them. maybe that's why i'm so delirious?)

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