Lazy Day

I said to Miss L this morning that she was staying at home with me today and we'd be spending the day under duvets on the sofa watching DVDs.
Can't I just go to school?
Honestly kids today!!!
She seemed fine so I sent her in.
And spent the day alone on the sofa catching up on rubbish TV, sorting photos, unpacking a Tescos delivery and very little else.
I was like a snail!!
I went to get Miss L a bit earlier than usual - half expecting her to be slumped in the chair semi conscious - and was very pleased to find her bright eyed and bushy tailed. If a little snotty!
I still wanted to get her home for an early night so my Mum kindly agreed to take to Miss E to gymnastics while Miss L and I watched yet more bloody Team Umizoomi, played snakes & ladders and ate peanut butter on rice cakes.
Getting snottier by the second - and making sure to sneeze all over Mummy - she got an early night.
Miss L had fun with Nana at gymnastics. Although she was slightly reluctant to get out of the lovely warm car down the end of the street!
Bacon sandwiches and Wolf Hall will be rounding off my day.

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