incidental music

By incidentalmusic

Perusing the brochure for the Bath Literature Festival. It's dominated by people who aren't really involved with literature: half the broadcast team of Radio 4, Mary Portas, Alistair Campbell and (for god's sake) Richard & Judy. 

I've booked a few events with actual writers though - too late for Kazuo Ishiguro, but there's a celebration of Ted Hughes with a slightly puzzling lineup (Frieda Hughes (fair enough), Kate Tempest, Melvyn Bragg, Jonathan Dimbleby and some actor from Downton Abbey), Michael Frayn, a poetry reading with Rachael Boast and something with Andrew O'Hagan. 

I'm looking forward to it - I haven't been to the festival for a few years, but some of the events I've been to in the past have been life changing, in small ways.

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