Boy ... did the sun go down ....

Today was my second day with no phone or internet, at tea time last night i phoned the 'new provider' and was informed that 'the 'box' had been sent to the wrong sorting office but had now arrived at my local office !!! to be delivered today. so this morning the phone went bananas, and there was a text message and a voice telling me to phone the new provider. So I phoned and spoke to a person who, once he  had ascertained my height and shoe size including address and post code oh and name he politely informed me my phone and broadband were now working very well. I near exploded, but politely told him that his information was not accurate. Well if it was sitting in the sorting office it certainly was not working well in our home. I do have to report that I now have broadband and a temporary phone number until tomorrow, when if the new provider is on the ball I will get my own number back. !!!! 
When I came out from seeing my Dad today there was a spectacular huge red sun in the sky tonight, no camera ... so I hastened home, located camera and back into the car and headed over the 'Bridge'. As you can see I caught the essence of what was a spectacular sunset. 
You never know what a day brings .....
take care  :)

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