
This is Tegan, Marie's foster daughter. She is coming up for 2 months, still struggling with a variety of health issues but already visibly settled and calmed by Marie and her family. I think Marie is just amazing, she shrugs it all off as really quite normal behaviour. They both came to visit me today, we had a lovely couple of hours.

In other news, I am tremendously touched by the sheer quantity of body parts being crossed for me since yesterday. Jay looked at my blip and said "ahhh, look at all your blip friends". And so far it is doing the trick quite fantastically. Just a couple more days I think, if thats ok. You are a really brilliant bunch.

I am making bread rolls for tea and then Will and I are off to see the mayor so he (I think!) can give Will a special Beaver badge. All 7 badges are safely glued onto his jumper. I am a dab hand at sticking, I tell you.

And then home so I can watch Wolf Hall. I have never been able to get into the book which was reported as fantastic so am looking forward to it.

PS I really am in a v happy mood this evening!

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