First up, a meeting up with ecoPops who always manages to bring along an excellent example of photography from somewhere in the darker recesses of blipland. Today was no exception. Ooooerrrr! And good blethers as ever.
And after some half arsed arsing about, I attended some talks up at George IV Bridge - for our much loved local MP and ex-Trotskyist firebrand, Alistair Darling, was putting in an appearance and giving a bit of a valedictory. There wasn't a dry eye in the house. It's the way he tells them, isn't it?
But there were also some serious speakers! Academics, ken. Dr Vivian Scott speaking about carbon capture! And Doc Stuart Gilfillan discussing shale gas and coalbed methane! Actually, it was pretty bloody interesting. And Johanna Carrie talking about local sustainability groups. All good stuff. And best of all I found myself sitting next to Ian Murray MP, who is Chair of the Foundation of Hearts. Needless to say, I managed to get a blether about the more important things in life - Falkirk at home this Saturday. Sold Out! No, no, that's not a reference to the Labour Party. Don't take that out of context. It was about the game. Too late, it's already been tweeted.

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