Just trying to survive

By NovaLovesFrogs

Forever Home

On this day in 2011 we received a phone call early in the morning from the shelter that Nova belonged to. It was before Petsmart was even officially open for business for the day, and the person from the shelter seemed very excited.

"Is this Jada?"


"Hi, you filled out adoption forms for Wrangler?"


"How soon can you come and get him?"

My heart was in my throat and I told her we'd be there in about an hour and a half. I hurried to wake up B and find Cosmo so we could head out to retrieve the newest member of our family.

We actually arrived at Petsmart before the shelter worker did! While anxiously waiting for the kitten to become ours, we filled a cart with supplies for him. We got him a bed just in case he liked sleeping in a cat bed, food and water bowls, toys, a carrier, treats, and a collar, harness and leash.

The shelter worker was surprised and very pleased to see that we'd brought Cosmo with us to pick up the kitten. She was also surprised and happy to see that we'd already loaded up on supplies for Nova. I think she was a little surprised that two early twenty-somethings had been so thorough.

As soon as she handed he kitten to us, he was ours. We renamed him Nova, and put the collar, harness, and leash on him (holding onto the price tags so we could pay for them on our way out) and we went back to the toys to let him pick out a few toys for himself.

He was so excited! It was then that we learned that he likes riding on the conveyer belts at checkout counters.

He cried nervously on the car ride home, his carrier buckled into the backseat, Cosmo in his carrier in the seat next to him. Cosmo started talking at him (not crying) and soon they were talking back and forth and Nova seemed to completely forget about being afraid of the car. (He's absolutely loved car rides ever since.)

This photo was taken within hours of coming home with Nova. He was so snuggly and wanted as much attention as we could possibly give. He felt safe and happy and we were already madly in love with our newest furbaby.

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