
My Niece Elizabeth is being married today, my thoughts have been with them all week since the family arrived in Mauritious, thinking of them more so today..
I am so happy for the two of them but in my heart lies memories of my brother Rob who's daughter is being giving away today, and he isn't here to see this day, we both spoke of this day while I was in France with him towards his last few weeks in this world I know how happy and a proud father he would have been today.
Elizabeth's mum and her own brother and his family are there with some very close friends who were lucky enough to have been able to go to share this day, also for those of you who have followed Anniemay's journal my wonderful Sis was very fortunate to be able to be there, and because of blip and facebook and messages I too feel like I am there with them all sharing this happy occasion..
I've got you all in my pocket ...

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