
I've spent the evening trolling the internet for old paint by numbers. Have you seen the price of them?!!  Good god. A partially completed cowboy runs $60 to $120!! And I saw a rather magnificent fly fishing scene for $426!   

My thrift shop collection must be worth a small fortune.  I could probably sell the lot and hire George Clooney as my pond boy for the summer. 

I did come across a few I actually have. My collie dog I bought for 50 cents was on there for $82. I only bought it eighteen months ago. When I clicked on the image a message leapt out at me ... "SORRY. THIS ITEM HAS BEEN SOLD". I assume for $82.   Phewfff! That dog's a little earner!  

Look at me! I've chosen a thumbnail! I've never done that before, not even in old blip  If it's squiffy it'll be a user issue ... guaranteed. 

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