The Elephant In The Room

Everyone is talking about pressures on hospital emergency services.

Even to the point that community pharmacists can help with minor ailments, and that will sort the problem! That's as may be. Hospital pharmacists certainly have the clinical skills to alleviate pressures on hospital admissions - and do so on a daily basis.

My father-in-law had to see his family doctor yesterday and J accompanied him. The GP knows he is much slower now and finds it hard to express himself. Regardless, she started asking him questions (and several at once) before he'd even sat down, and in language which he probably wouldn't have understood when he was chief of police detectives in North Yorkshire...

Actually... if GPs didn't have such a deal whereby they can choose not to provide adequate care for us all  (and still be paid squillions from the tax payers - you and me dear Blipsters), we wouldn't need to go to A&E. Go figure.

What the duck?

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