Standing Proud...

Alfred and I went for a long walk in the wild animal park today and I took over 100 photos of deer! Of course there were only a few of those that made the grade when I looked at them later on the computer, but I'm very happy with the 15 or so I'm keeping!

Woof!  Yes it was lovely to be in the park and walk through the woods again - what dog could deny it... But let's get one thing straight.  It was not a LONG walk as Bluebellsea would have you believe.  It was more like a quick, average length walk till we found the deer - then a long STAND while she clicked away like a mad thing.  We did then go for another average length token speed walk round to the pond and to see the goats (I love them cos they look like me with an extra long beard).  But the goats were in their hut, and there they stayed.  I can't blame them - it was -2.5!
All in all I'm satisfied - but a LONG walk - by my standards -  it wasn't.  I'll probably have to wait till we walk some more of the Cornish Coast Path on our next holiday for a real one of those!  Woof!

That said, he's fast asleep in bed now, and looking very satisfied! :-)

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