
By tufty

Confused? I am now!

So, walking back from St. Peter's square, amongst the beggars and the touts, I glimpsed this. A nun giving money to a beggar. Now I know that that's the way we're expected to think it works, but honestly, I've never seen something along these lines. However, when I uploaded the photo and had a better look with the loupe, I've come to the conclusion that my first take on the situation was, in fact, erroneous. What appears to be happening is that the nun is stooping down to offer a religious icon for the beggar to kiss. I'm completely confused now...I "disapprove" of everything I managed to take a shot of. Well, "disapprove" is a harsh word, but cynical as I am (and its gaining hold ever more strongly!), I do tend to fall outside of the Neil Diamond/Monkees group unless I can see a severed limb or the like! That said, I don't take particularly kindly to the "Church's" response, either!

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