
By IntothewildMan

Honesty... usually the best policy...

Forgive the hopeless pun, I just couldn't resist the obvious. It was a beautiful bright chill day but I was working all of it so only had five minutes in poor light for a quick blippertunity. 

I hear that the challenge/ activity of DerelictThursday, hosted this week by Himself and freespiral (while SarumStroller takes a breather) has been rejected by the powers that be for inclusion in the activities and challenges section on the grounds that:
1) The subject matter is too downbeat.
2) It might encourage blippers to endanger themselves, which Blip HQ could not endorse, and
3) The tag is too long.

This makes no sense to me really and the first and third criterion are particularly arbitrary. 
Anyway so perhaps if the challenge interests you and anyone else who follows your blips, we can publicise it ourselves.

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