
By Valerie1940

D is for DRAMAtic

The alphabet challenge has reached D for dramatic. I did take a sky this morning but not very dramatic. the first thing I had thought of was drama - Shakespeare came to mind at once. I knew there was a sentence in a play which spoke of the power of words - the well known phrase 'the pen is mightier than the sword' appeared in a play in 1839 - but other writers had said similar much earlier.
Thank goodness for Google - I didn't have to read all the plays I have studied (I knew it was in one I had studied) - just Act 2 Scene 2 of Hamlet.
Then I played - my Mum's school prize from 1929 was three volumes of Shakespeare. I photographed the page then  the 'sword' and the pen and merged the images. 
Not very exciting but a memory of my Mum and the many times she would spout long passages of Shakespeare learned by heart when she was 14.

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