The new chauffeur has second thoughts...

I thought maybe this blackbird had something wrong with it as it sat for so long by the wheels of the car as I pulled up at work earlier.  He was standing to attention  by the door for a full minute.  All he needed was a chauffeur's cap and he would have looked the part.   Could be tricky reaching the pedals and being able to see over the top of the steering wheel.

On the subject of talented birds (the feathered kind)  if you didn't see "Pets- Wild at Heart" on the BBC the other night then I recommend you watch it if only to delight in the antics of Disco the talking Parakeet.  Hilarious and astonishing.  I believe I have fallen in love with him.

You've no doubt worked out that I am not terribly busy this morning.
Only another hour to go and I can escape for the weekend.

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