The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Centre for Science & Art: 2 views

I'm 'only' the model, but I was suprised to see the set up when I arrived at the studio today. On a narrow plinth about 18 inches high was a chair, suitably draped, and, leaning against the chair was a unicycle! The tutor introduced me to the class and explained that I'd kindly agreed to model on the unicycle, on the plinth, for an hour and three-quarters!

It turns out that he'd just happened to find the unicycle lying in a corner while he was setting up, and decided to play a prank. Needless to say, I did not ride it while sitting on a box, on a chair, in the altogether!

In other news, the sun shone all the livelong day; I made apricot macaroon bars (g-f) which came out a treat; I modelled for just three hours, which is easy enough; I discovered that the dishwasher is now broken in two separate places. And I haven't bought a lottery ticket! Let's hope the Firemen's charity lotto delivers the first prize soon. £25, 000 would buy quite a few new dishwashers!

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