Times Of My Life

By CarolB


Last night my daughter and her two children, from Burntisland,  were staying with my Mum in Perth.  This morning my niece from Alloa phoned to say that she, her fiancé, and her two of her three children were coming to visit too.

So, for a wee while, Mum had 4 of her great-grandchildren under her roof at the same time, along with two of her three granddaughters, and (when we arrived) me and G as well. Fife, Clacks and Perthshire all represented under one roof. 

This picture shows G with Ida, our granddaughter, and her second cousin wee Kian, youngest of my niece Zandra's children.  In the background, photographs on Mum's wall-unit show on the left of G my late brother Charles, who is the grandfather of Kian and his siblings.  Charles died on 26th January, 1992 so never knew any of his lovely grandchildren. It was his birthday on Monday this week, the 19th. 

 To the right of G, you can see a photo of my grandmother, the great-great grandmother of these children, who's birthday was on 26th January.  She sadly died when I was fifteen, in 1972 when she was only 76. 

As you probably know,January 26th is also Burn's Day, and as you will not know, it is the birthday of G's lovely nephew Taylor. 

We were babysitting tonight because my daughter and her husband were sharing their Burn's Supper with a couple of friends in Burntie; G and I did the Haggis, Tatties and Neeps with the kids in Methven, though I drew the line at making them listen to any of the Bard's poetry or song while we ate!  (Although I listened to a CD of some of the best known works as I cooked).

So there we go; family, Burns, generations, geography. January

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