A Wind Blown Egret

While the temperature wasn't that bad today (65F, 17C), the wind...it was a-whippin. It made it feel SO much colder.

When it's like this, even the birds don't want to come out and play. They just want to sit there...to hunker down.

Instead of chasing birdies, I decided to do some indoor things. A church rummage sale, some grocery shopping, and going to see a movie with my brother Jim. American Sniper, with Bradley Cooper.

I'm still not sure how I felt about the movie, but I will say it was tense. And, that's all I got to say about that.

One thing I forgot to say last night. At the concert I went to (Rhonda Vincent), I sat in the small bleachers, 4 rows up. I wanted to get her picture before I left, and instead of walking down the bleachers, I was just going to slide over the back edge. All went as planned until I got caught up on a piece of metal. For maybe 2 seconds, I hung there like a dangling participle...flailing away. Finally, my shorts gave way, ripping from the hem, all the way up to my underwear.

So embarrassing. When am I EVER going to learn? New shorts, too.

http://www.flickr.com/photos/124969130@N06/sets/72157650045972697/ 4 more shots on the above link.

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