An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

11 Days and Counting!

11....yes ELEVEN days till me move into THIS!

I am hyperventilating at the thought! Not with excitement but with worry that it won't be finished in time! But Alan starts his new school the following week and I need to give the removers a definite date tomorrow and the 31st May it has to be!!

Everywhere seems to be in a state of nowhere near almost finished. There's a hell of a lot to do in 11 days!!!!!!!!!

David met with the electrician this morning to decide where the spot lights and pendants are going in the kitchen. Then we met with the tiler this afternoon to discuss our tile choices. After a lengthy phone call to sky, Broadband still not working! Grrrrr!

To cheer my greetin' face up on the way back home we stopped off at the Scotish Antiques and Arts Centre at Doune and I treated myself to 6 beautiful Irish linen napkins for £14. Bargin! :-)

About to make dinner and before our heads hit our pillows tonight we need to get the house ready for another viewing tomorrow, go round and make a note of everything that's going to the new house for the removal man coming to give us a quote tomorrow, get school and work stuff ready and do some OU study.

Lights out 3am!

Thank you so much for bearing with me when I can't get any time on Blip other that to upload. REALLY hope I can catch up with you all properly soon! xxx

Today would have been my mum's 72nd Birthday. First birthday without her. Love and miss you mum. THIS is for you xx

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