An Unkindness of Ravens

By Nevermore

Gannets galore

Our last day in NZ and we went to see the gannet colony at Muriwai beach, on the rugged west coast. The last time I came here, many years ago, was outside the August to March nesting period and there were no gannets to be seen, but there were many this time (around 1200 pairs of adult birds nest each year, laying a single egg). They first starting coming here to nest around 1975, due to overcrowding on off shore islands and because of the excellent wind conditions. 

They are a most impressive bird – very large (up to 2m wing span). There were chicks of all sizes – some still small, white and fluffy, others a lot bigger, with pretty grey patterned feathers. When they are ready to leave, the young birds fly straight to Australia on their maiden voyage, and survivors return to Muriwai a few years later to breed.

The air is full of adult birds circling over the cramped nest sites, looking for their own mate and chick.

I am quite behind on commenting, responding etc – sorry! The next few days are very hectic, but I'll try to catch up when I can. Once I have gone through my holidays pics, I might put some on Flickr. That could take some time though...

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