
By habbie

drowning in plastic

The planets oceans are a dustbin for plastic we have known for years about the islands of rubbish in the oceans as told by passing sailors
Arctic ice which is now melting faster contains at least one trillion pieces of microplastic under 5mm in diameter
Plastic is not the problem..... its our careless throwaway mentality on land and sea that is causing this pandemic
Our British coastline which is thousands of miles long is littered with this waste
Remote places like the beaches of Loch Scavaig in Skye are choked with lurid debris.
We could all relate stories of the mess on our shores but its not just an aesthetic obscenity is it?  its killing our marine habitats
Whales dolphins and porpoises are dying their digestive tracts blocked by plastic, sea floors are poisoned
A minke whale washed up dying was found to have a ton of plastic in its stomach
Goverments do not care enough.... ocean issues must be pushed up the global agenda

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