What does one do when one’s husband wants to watch Sunday afternoon football?  Well you either sit and watch it with him - and that is never going to happen in this house - or you find something to do that you enjoy doing.  

Mr. HCB had already warned  told me yesterday that he would like to watch the football match, so when we got home from church, I went out into the garden to look for something to photograph.  All around, there are buds, on the roses and clematis and the bulbs are pushing their way through the damp soil.  There aren’t many flowers about at the moment, but we have a beautiful Viburnum bush that has been in our garden ever since we moved in over 30 years ago, and it still blooms well every year. I had to get deep inside the rather large bush to find some flowers, and then brought in one stem so that I could have a little “play” with it.  

I decided to use the Canon camera today and took about fifty shots from different angles, using different settings on the camera - I am still learning and many of those taken were consigned to the "trash"!  So some Sunday afternoon “faffery" after a great morning at church. Stephen, who led the worship and preached was excellent and gave us plenty to think about.  One of the things he said that resonated with me, being a photographer, was “Christ is the aperture of God” - something to ponder on during the coming week.

The evenings are drawing out and Spring is on the way - at least in the UK - so I hope you have a great week - and as you bless those around you, I pray that you, too, will be blessed in many and varied ways.  

"Spring makes its own statement,
so loud and clear
that the gardener 
seems to be only one of the instruments,
not the composer.”
Geoffrey B Charlesworth

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