The Green Grass of Home

By aCaseiro

Changes - #4

This is my 4th shot of a series I plan to do along the year...

I'm shooting from exactly the same spot, at various times of the day (or night) under different weather conditions also... and trying to do always the same framing...
If the conditions allow it I try always to shoot with and aperture of f/11 and 11 mm focal distance....

I'm curious to see how the different elements a photographer can't control (light, time, weather, features like clouds or the lack of them) have influence on a picture and influence a person to dislike or like it... 

Of course in the end of the day it's always up to the photographer to shoot or not, if the light is not right, or the weather is dull... or he has always the choice to edit or bin it...

Anyway It's a curious exercise and the spot is close to my workplace. Easy to keep....

the complete series, so far is HERE

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