Trying to find my memory

By Rachforrest

Proper haircut girl's pampered

Post Sat morning ballet dash, cafe and yummy pancakes, Emily heroically took the girls to the hairdressers (I have avoided them in the past). The girls deciding they are twins had identical haircuts and hairbands in glorious fluorescent pink (hairband, no hair dye). A's is still a bit shorter on one side from the sitting under the table taking a good gash out of my hair session, I'm glad it was Emily who had to confess this to the hairdresser! S wanted to be involved in the sitting under sign moment tho!
S and I went to visit Jenny, E and W. E and wee man had a great time being a little bit mischievous.
Baby sat for Tree and Ju in the evening and read J a lovely story. He went to bed like a dream and he and wee F slept perfectly for me!

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