
By Travelingkiwi

The Hunter Valley

We had been In touch with Guy who owns the Dingleburn Station in the Hunter Valley, stock were being moved and we were advised to leave wanaka after 8.30, we past the stock yard and Guy had seen us past through and caught up with us in the helicopter and told us that things had gone haywire and could we Wait until the small flock of sheep had come through, well there only room for one vehicle on the track at one time so we were happy to wait.
Guy was also going to come through with the tractor but was going to wait until we come through after the sheep.

Well we were on our way and meet up again with Guy on the tractor who, told us that another tractor was on its way but if we didn't seen it with in the next 3 bends we wouldn't have any problems, on the way again yes we did meet the other tractor and after we squized off the road, the tractor pasted by with just 10 inches to spare.
From then on it was a matter of opening and closing the gates, my job there's a lot of gates, just after 4.00 hours we arrived at the hut, this hut is used by the stockmen when out mustering, and checking the stock.
Last time we were here the grass was up to the hut but Guy had told us that the cattle had also set up house here, and turned it into dirt.
First photo Is Lake Hawea, Guy and the helicopter, it has a dog box on the left hand side to carry a dog, and the third photo home for the next few day.

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