Wanderings & Witterings

By IvarBlipS

Rantin', rovin, Robin

Two clear choices for today's photo: a picture of a bird, or birds, feeding in the garden - this is the weekend of the RSPB's Big Garden Birdwatch - or a photo of something Robert Burns-related to mark Burns Night, the anniversary of the poet's birth in 1759. 

Fired off some photos of birds in the garden through the kitchen window between mouthfuls of breakfast before leaving for church on Sunday morning. Lunch afterwards was a rushed affair as I had a meeting in the afternoon and then it was straight from there to Edinburgh where we were celebrating a friends' birthday (which is actually on Monday, but Sunday was easier for getting everyone together). As it happens the main course prepared by her husband was haggis, neeps and tatties, so we were able to toast the bard's birthday at the same time!

I did take some photos of the meal, just in case I decided to use that instead of a Birdwatch one, but in the end stuck with 'Plan A' even though it's not the best picture of a robin that one will see on Blipfoto or anywhere else this weekend. It's my robin photo, taken out of my kitchen window onto my garden, and that's kind-of the point of Blipfoto, isn't it?

However, all is not lost on the Burns' front: the "Robin" in the title of this post doesn't refer to the garden bird, but to the poet himself, in a song he wrote in either 1785 or 1787 (depending on which website one reads).

Honour satisfied - I've managed to  encapsulate both the Big Garden Birdwatch weekend and Burns' Night in the same Blipfoto post.

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