Blizzard Warning

The flashlights are ready, battery powered radios, including my transistor radio from my 13th birthday, all standing by. We're in the heavy snow area, perhaps 2-3 feet at the very worst! Crippling, potentially historic, and lots of other scary words are being tossed around. T is coming home early and we'll tuck in and hope for power as long as possible and please... no flying trees. I'm making soup, we have a gas stove and the gas fireplace will keep us warm if we do lose power. Wish us luck.


Weather info for weather nerds

For the Record,
This day came in cold with snow flurries beginning in early morning. 29 million people under a blizzard warning.

It's snowing like mad now, 6:40 PM, everyone is tucked in, home safe and sound.

All hands healing...I might be getting a cold...

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