
I have arrived at my lovely cottage. Good position, easy to access and car park across the road, wifi connection excellent. This will do for me for the next nine days.

Of course in the spirit of gradual disengagement I took part in a two hour telephone conference to support my colleagues and I feel less guilty about my holiday now! Bought some food, experimented briefly with the new camera and the blip is a simple first product. It's so heavy next to my old one and the zoom is not as extensive as my existing camera, no doubt more lenses will be purchased in due course. I did manage to get the wifi working on it which means I can operate it remotely and can check photos on the go! Cool!

I wanted to blip a bird before leaving home but none would come for me this morning. The camera set up in the hide, me in my arm chair watching on my iPad, that will be interesting.

Now just need to get the TV working, have some tea and relax tonight and then get focussed on the novel tomorrow. I am quite excited and a tad nervous that my energy levels may drop but we shall see.

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