This is my concentrating face

Poor womster (poor mummy too) he woke at 11:30 last night, I gave him more milk as he fell asleep before finishing it last night, but just couldn't settle. Around 12:30 he settled but then woke again at 1:30. Daddy's turn. He slept again but then unknown to me or daddy he was in our bed when we woke around 4:00 to cries. One of us must gave brought him in, but neither of us recalls doing so!

Feel like I haven't seen them today, left just after 7, picked them up at 4:45, home 5:15, locked out as hadn't taken keys as Lee was working from home, Lee had gone out.

In the house 5:30, quick tidy up, sterlise, bottles sorted, bath run, Bathtime, Wom to bed, Zumba, home, tea, work, bed.

Hoping I feel bit brighter tomorrow

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