Purple Magpie

By PurpleMagpie

What a day it has been, what a foul mood I'm in.

I got up this morning and was full of the joys.

Saw dd off to school. Took ds1 to school and ds2 to nursery. Nursery presented me with his report. Frankly it was horrible. He is 3 and 5 months and not doing what he should be. I don't really care. Ds1 always lagged but now is flying high! Ds2 clearly is built from the same stuff and struggling with being a summer baby. I took great umbridge at much of the report. I have ranted a bit at a few people. He goes happily and is as bright as a button! He is just not jumping the hoops they want him to jump. So frustrating! No one cared when Dd and Ds went through the same nursery!

Anyway I went for a run. Sadly if I am not in the frame of mind I can't run so I turned back after 1.8 miles and came home.

Then I did housework and then bank stuff and then friend over for tea, sax lesson, trip to the hell hole that is Asda and not I am sitting and deciding what I am going to eat for supper.

This is a tired me and a sticky ds2

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