Warm Glowing Feeling

Stop reading this right now if you don't want to endure a sickeningly proud parent's take on her son's school report. Must record it for bli(p)osterity so it's in the next 365 family photo album blipbook (unless it has blimmin' Polaroid logos all over it, or only a White background, i really miss the grey....).

Anyway, back to smug mum update. The word excellent was mentioned 31 times. THiRTY ONE TImES! We are so pleased for him as he seems really happy at School, which was our biggest wish, and to get a report like this is simply icing on the cake.

Both my mum and work colleague, who I secretly asked to share a smug mum moment with today and luckily she indulged me, did give me into trouble though, as I noticed that in one subject he wasn't as far on as the other subjects. 'Should I be worried?', I fretted, 'it's a key subject'. 'No! You daft sod' they replied, or words to that effect. My time at school was not always plain sailing, especially as I got distracted in the later years. Sam's journey seems to be so far so good, and while we very much hope it continues, as long as he's happy, being excellent is a bonus. Well done Sammy sammy sam sam!

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