The Best Laid Plans...

I went out my front door, fully intending to go to Museum Monday, and to take a Mono Monday shot. Close-up was the category.

But, something was happening right outside my door. The shrill shrieks of a pair of hawks filled the air. What was up? They kept flying to the top of our roof, then diving into a big pine tree. I looked into the tree with my telephoto, looking for a nest. No nest.

After taking 100+ shots, I finally took the elevator down. I quickly saw what was freaking the hawks out. I won't ruin the surprise for you, but here's a hint. It is a 3 letter word, and the first letter is O, and the last letter is L. WOO-HOO!

After the encounter, I still went to the Ringling Museum of Art, but my heart was not into Mono Monday. Maybe next week. Fly over to the above link, and see the surprise, a couple more bird shots, and my 3 entries that I would have used for  Mono Monday.

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