Orange flower..
The sun shone bright in the morning just like this flower..
The weather was promising for our adventure today, the long journey began in the middle of the day, we went to Cipanas with our motorcycles. We met at KFC Cipanas.
We went to Cipanas through Cimanggis, Depok, Bogor, Puncak then Cipanas. But then it was pouring rain when we entered the area of Bogor, we put on our rain coats, slowly but sure we entered Puncak in the evening, we stopped by in a coffee shop to take a rest for a while. Then we arrived to Cipanas, our friend's guest house around 9pm.
When got there, some of my friends bought some food for us, while waiting for them, we were playing cards and were having chitchat, taking some photos. When they back home with the food, we had our late dinner, then we had a little birthday celebration for our friend.
Hope you had a lovely day, blippers! x
To love is to risk. Therefore, to love is to be brave..
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