"A Blizzard of Historical Proportions"

Yesterday, we were warned to batten down the hatches, check our food supplies, assemble emergency kits in case of power outages, charge our cell phones, fill our gas tanks -- a Blizzard of Historical Proportions was bearing down upon us, and we could be buried under as much as 30" or more of snow before all was said and done.  Fast forward to this morning:  We arose from our cozy beds and peered tentatively out the window, bracing ourselves to see the boreal devastation wrought in the night ... only to discover we'd received all of 3 inches of the white stuff!  So much for weather hype.

I had planned on posting a dramatic blizzard-related photograph for today, but instead had to resort to posing one of our grandson's little toy tractors in what snow could be found.  Use your imaginations, kids.

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