Jacqui's World

By HappyJacqui

Ted at the Hospital!

Today we went to visit my mother who lives at Cleveley's which is at least an hour away from our house. She was waiting for the doctor to ring her back as she had been having chest and back pains and hadn't felt well all weekend. 

The doctor rang her and said he was sending and ambulance for her as because of her age (85) he wanted to get her checked out.  The ambulance didn't take long to arrive and I went with he to Blackpool hospital. She was treated very well in the ambulance at the hospital and they sent her home after 5 hours. The doctor said it was all down to her blood pressure and her heart was fine and she had to make an appointment for tomorrow at the doctors to see about the medication she was taking.

Ted was with us and decided to sit on the hospital bed while she went to the loo.

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