Information Retrieval

By Syetuttle

Lurkin' In The Shadows...... a clown. In the Tuttle household that is.
I put my Crocs on to put the rubbish out this evening only to find that one (not two) of my Crocs was full on water. I emitted a little scream thinking it was a feckin massive slug. And I had socks on. Yuck! Mrs. Tuttle played the innocent card.......
I'm not convinced, because the other day I found a Shreddie (as in the breakfast cereal) in one of my wellies. This is no accident as we have a welly rack outside by the back door whereby the wellies hang upsidedown! This Shreddie incicdent also occured a couple of weeks ago.
Should I be paranoid and investigate?

On a lighter note, my Dad picked up Tuttle Jnr from school and stayed for tea.

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