Capital adventures

By marchmont

More Molly

I slept SO badly last night.  I think it was the second starter I had at David Bann's last night.  I think the hard veggies disagreed with me.  

After a disturbed night I started off the day with calls to T, the mortgage provider and the builders.  Then to work for an informal meeting with G about 'things'.  It will be interesting to see if anything comes from it.

After she left to go south to Newcastle I struggled with travel bookings for hours.  My main struggle is the Marathon week-end in London.  Eventually I remembered that my erstwhile blip friend JustAllan now has a flat in London, with a spare room.  If only I had thought of that earlier, I'd have saved myself a couple of hours.

Somehow I didn't leave till after 6.  I quite like my new position in the office, until the sun shines and I can no longer see the screen.

I then after taking delivery from Mme Tesco I worked in front of the tv, once more trying to reconcile an English procedure with Scots Law.  it ain't easy.

Before Christmas to get more space, I moved Molly's second basket to the garage as she'd stopped using it.  The last few days she's been sniffing the floor on its site so tonight I returned it.  she sat in it for a bit, but she wasn't really impressed.

Bed calls.  Night, night.

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