my eyes they cannot lie

By girlsonfilm

Luck who's Talking...

Up at crazy O clock to car boot. Stucks found us a good one! I picked up a few gems, a really old copy of Pilgrims Progress, a vintage car magazine from 1960, retro plates and best of all - this brilliant phone! Stucks bartered the seller down to £7 and of course I was chuffed to bits.

Plugged it in works like a dream. Showed the girls how to use it (I KNOW right?) and it took them about 10 mins to dial my mobile.

Had a headache for the last two days, stress I'm sure - next two weeks in work are going to be stress filled, my personal legal battles still ongoing, daughters asperger assessment paperwork to do and school to liaise with, Twitter hassle, blood tests tomorrow to check my remaining kidney is still working OK - tests I've missed because I forgot to change my address with the docs.


Was fed up tonight because the boiler is buggered - and no matter what tricks I've used before, nothing is working...there is no hot water and no heat. It's freezing cold in the house and I don't know if the girls uniforms will be dry by morning.
I need to ring the landlord to get an engineer out. Just not sure when I can take the time off work to be here.


All the stress is making me lose my dating mojo, WJ can consider the moment passed, and I've not really been able to devote enough attention to ST who really deserves it and I NEED to email HBJ...I like HBJ so don't know why I'm being so slack. On top of everything else the thought of dating is a bit...


But as my good friend said today "Kate..if you don't put in the effort, you can't complain about it" This is TRUE.

I joked about my blood tests being rubbish because of the bad luck streak I seem to be having. It'll be fine. Convincing myself of that.

Sleep well if you read this tonight
Have a great day if you are reading this on Monday


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