
By maddischeib

Ever since I got my mustang people have been asking me if I was going to drive it all year round. When I would tell them that I would be doing that, they would go into a huge rant/lecture on why I was stupid for picking that type of car.
Well, they have obviously never driven one. Granted, it’s not the ideal car for bad weather but it’s not terrible. It’s a premium model, so it has traction control which helps a lot in my opinion. I feel like a car can only handle as much as the driver can. If someone is driving in the snow, terrified, they’re more likely to lose control of their car. While, if someone is driving the same type of car, totally calm, they are less likely to lose control. I wish people would think about that before they decide to lecture about things they don’t know much about.
I personally am not afraid to drive in the snow, rain, etc.

I don’t know why people get so worked up about it. Yes, I have gotten stuck in the snow, but it was because I drove up my driveway into 6+ inches of snow. Rear wheel drive doesn’t really handle that very well. I’m usually good at avoiding situations where I could potentially get stuck, but I assumed my dad had already plowed and I was ok to come home. I was wrong. 

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