I need to go...

...I've just seen a blip!

And I hung up on Mr R, we did say cheerio:-). I had been on to him about my journey on Es's bike to town:-/. It had been a lot of hard work on wee Getty and she's not good at staying in her gear. I was walking over the platform bridge at Stirling station and had spied the sky.

My next chat with Mr R was interrupted too. As is my custom we chat as I stroll at lunch time. I was heading back to the office when this happened. I thought the car the police were behind was trying to get out of their way when they whammed into the kerb. It was only when the two doors of the car flew open and the folk in the car dived out and started running that I realised they were in pursuit. With hindsight you would have slowed and pulled out of the way of the police car rather than try to take a corner at speed...I'm a bit slow on the take up sometimes. So all this happened as I was on the line to Mr R, so he got a running commentary.

The journey home in the evening on Gerty was no less straining. Kirsty went to the bike man today she is in need of a new back wheel so is out of action for the rest of the week:-(. Tomorrow I will walk to the station...I think.

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