Nice weather for Ducks

Didn't it hammer it down this morning. Shame it wasn't cold enough for snow - I could do with a few days of cancelled work, snow boots, hot chocolate and peacefulness!

I had a nightmare last night (I think after watching Tigers About the House where Kerry was checking out the spiders in the Jungle). I thought there was an animal in my bedroom. The one night I could have done with my husband beside me and he wasn't there!!! (He was working!).

Anyway, work was good, Tesco was boring, dinner (soup) was tasty, research into my new way of eating is inspiring (and expensive) and my hissing laptop is really annoying me.

Oh, and my GHD's melted this morning. Gutted. They are very smelly and oozing liquid black stuff. They are in the bin now. I have bought a new hairbrush instead so will give my burnt hair a rest!

And I'm fed up with having to do all the washing up all the time as Mr W is still bandaged. But I guess he's more fed up with the bandaged finger all the time so I shouldn't moan.

Right, back to my Deliciously Ella research. Cant wait to feel healthy again.


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