a lifetime burning

By Sheol

Gentlemen prefer blondes

This evening has been spent changing strings and generally making sure that my kit for the gig on Friday has all been checked and is working as it should be.  So, appropriately enough, this is a close-up of my favourite guitar, a blonde Fender Stratocaster.  

Until this particular guitar came along, I had been quite fickle in my guitar affections.  That is not to say that I was promiscuous, far from it, I was a serial monogamist when it came to guitars.  However, after a while I would come to realise that there was alway something that wasn't quite right with the guitar that I was playing and sooner or later I would start to hanker for something new.  All of that stopped once this guitar arrived and I can now browse  the guitar  wall in music shops with impunity, not feeling any compunction to try any of the guitars on display.

I had always liked the idea of a Stratocaster, but never managed to find one that felt and sounded "right"to me.  This one is (for me) in terms of the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears, the Strat that would have belonged to Baby Bear.

Having said all that, it is completely the wrong colour!  I never wanted one this colour, but it just plays and sounds wonderful so I can forgive it that, and you know, over the years I have even come to quite like the colour after all.

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