A Life of Laughter

By nlw_93

My Poor Coat

Excuse the randomness of this photo, but this is the current state of the shoulder of my rather expensive North Face coat. The darker section of triangles is where the grip has fallen off and the lighter triangles are where the grip remains. This coat cost £250 and is meant to withstand walking trips up mount everest with rucksacks carrying all of your worldly possessions, however the bag I carry to and from uni (with one notebook, my purse and keys) seems to have gotten the better of the coat and I am not particularly happy about it. I don't even wear the coat with a bag that often and it certainly isn't comparable to a bag you take hiking! Grrr....

Besides this, my day has been exceptionally boring, filled with copying up a 48 slide PowerPoint and being enraged about my coat. I'm all packed for the weekend and I actually got have a conversation with Rory on the phone tonight!

Off to bed with my book!

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