Strike that. Reverse it!


Crazy Boys!

This is what greeted me at after school
Club today! It looked like they'd been having lots of fun. Funnily Santa brought them a box of kinnects but they've not been played with them at all?!?! I was so pleased to see the boys were happy. Mummy guilt had kicked in when I happened to look out the window at 3.25 and see what looked like a blizzard! Was hail-storming and very windy. The boys have to walk up to after school club and I felt so awful imagining them walking in the awful weather! I couldn't do anything about it though as they would've reached nursery before I could get there even if I'd left straight away. I expected a real telling off, so seeing their happy faces was a relief! Tommy had cried tho, he had pockets full of gloves and hat but never wears them! No idea what else I can do ...... Kids eh?!?!

Decided to go back to aquafit tonight. Can't believe how quickly my fitness has dropped. Was hardwork tonight!

Hope you've had a good day xxx

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